By the numbers, we think we’re doing a pretty good job of facilitating economic development in Alamance County. But new jobs and capital investment aren’t the only thing that matters to our economic development programming. Economic development activities in Alamance County cover much more than just industrial recruitment and expansions. These efforts are backed by a group of private sector investors that make annual contributions to the Alamance County Economic Development Foundation. These investors help staff and leadership shape the program of work as they are financially committed to growing and improving the local economy. Their feedback on how we are doing is critical to our success.
2021 is the fifth year of the Invest in Alamance campaign for programming and funding of the Alamance County Economic Development Foundation. Alamance County has an impressive list of company announcements from 2017-to-date, well exceeding the goals set for investment during the fundraising efforts, and very close to the goal for new jobs. Even 2020 with concurrent public health and economic crises was a strong year.
As previously mentioned, new jobs and capital investment are not all we look at for the success for the program. It is important to know how our investors perceive each of our initiatives and their results.
In February, a survey was shared with our investors. Almost half of our investors shared their feedback and were overall very positive on all focus areas:
- New Business Recruitment & Marketing
- Existing Industry Support
- Workforce Development
- Product Development
- Entrepreneurship and Community Development.
Investors also felt strongly about their financial commitment being a worthwhile investment.
Thank you to our investors for their support both financially, and through feedback and communication about our initiatives and program areas. We couldn’t do it without you!
Interested in the full Investor Satisfaction Survey Results?
Want to see the list of New & Expanding Companies 2017-2021?
Want to get involved? Do you have questions? Email me at or call me at 336-606-0105.
Andrea Fleming
Director, Existing Industry Services
Alamance Chamber